Monday, March 7, 2011


...Hold me close and say you love me, then you go, push & shove me!
What have I done, what did I do? If people just really knew, that would be the end of you! You lie, you cheat and hold your head up high. Please God, just make him die! I am better, you just can't take it. My small arm you try and break it! But guess what you big bully, I'm still standing! On my feet I am landing! Looking back I have to wonder, who it was that stole your thunder? A petty man with no honor, hit a man and you would be a goner! Guess what Bud, I'm still here, someday, it will be me you fear!

you are not alone

please do not hide it any more.
you truely are not alone. there are many ways to get out, even if you have to ask for help.
do it. 800-799-SAFE (7233)

there are places to go. you can get out. you do deserve respect. you do have a voice, and it deserves to be heard.